One-on-One Coaching

Get dedicated tutor for you, ensuring personalized guidance for rapid progress

CBSE & IB Tutors

Expert tutors specializing in CBSE and IB curriculum

Coached more
than 10000 Students

Empowering students with the skills and confidence to succeed.

Teacher’s Appreciation Videos

'The Sweetest Gesture'


Adiba Anjum
Career Counseling

1-1 Career Counseling

Career Counselling for Students, College Graduates and Working Professionals

Get career counselling from experts to discover which field you want to choose and excel and help you taking rights steps at the right time.
Don't delay, you are one call away from making right career choice.

Find Personalized & 1-to-1 Classes

Why Learn on Ignitepad?

Live Classes

On ignitepad we conduct live classes so that there can be continuous communication between teachers and the students. these classes are more interesting and the pace and style of teaching is customized as per the students’ requirements.

Interactive learning

We believe in the teacher student communication is the best way to learn anything.our classes are very interactive and allow the students to clarify their concepts and doubts at each step.

Safety & Comfort

We understand that a child’s security is a matter of great concern for all the parents. So this mode of online learning do not expose a child to various kind of situations which might compromise his/her security. These can be accessed from anywhere as per the comfort of the learner.

Well Qualified Tutors

We take pride in our faculty. we have carefully selected each facilitator to impart the right skills so that you don’t have to worry about selecting the right teacher for your child.