The Importance of Concept Based Learning

First off, we need to understand what exactly concept-based learning is, which is also known as conceptual learning! This method of learning emphasizes making the learners have a clear understanding of the concepts as against just providing data in the traditional methods. It focuses on the reasons and logic behind any theory or concept. This method comes in handy during coding classes and python classes conducted at Ignitepad. The best way to impart conceptual learning is with the use of audio-visual means of sketching for younger students.

At the same time employing only audio-video means to teach will not serve the purpose. The audio-video tools are used as an add-on to the teaching methods followed by a teacher. The tools and means used in conceptual learning make the traditional methods of learning powerful. 

The rote learning method does not make the students clearly understand a concept. When they reach the senior classes they sometimes fail to use the learning they have gained through only traditional methods. The conceptual method of learning allows the students to extract information from the things they learn in junior classes and make use of it to understand related topics. Maybe in junior classes, they can use a pencil sketch to explain what they have grasped from the world around them!

Conceptual learning is the best way to make the learners, as well as the instructors, understand how various topics are interrelated and demonstrate the same to them to empower them and prepare them for their life and career ahead. It not just enhances the scores of each learner but also enables them to do better in their career. In a way it is like online music classes for kidswherein just knowing would not solve the purpose, a learner must know how to play the music himself. They must know how to play guitar that they must have learned through Ignitepad guitar classes.


An effective curriculum should be relevant, meaningful, and also engaging for the kids. Conceptual learning has all of these.


The conceptual curriculum compels students to contemplate deeply as compared to the traditional methods. In the conventional methods, a student is inclined towards gaining skills and knowledge to score better while the concept-based curriculum enables the students to ponder deeply over the topics and think logically to understand the concept fully. Ignitepad follows conceptual teaching while conducting online spoken English classes!


A curriculum must delve into all the aspects of education that are necessary for the overall development of a learner for it to stay relevant at all levels and times. In traditional methods of teaching and learning, science students lack creativity; artists somehow end up being irresponsible, and linguists don’t fit anywhere.

Conceptual learning includes and builds on the skills like leadership quality, team effort, self-reflection along creative skills.


Unless students find the lessons interesting the purpose of education would not be achieved. To do away with the boring methods of teaching, interesting methods are employed in conceptual teaching that excites the students and keeps them hooked on to the lesson till the end. Playful activities can make the regular lessons in school and online tuitions interesting. Ignitepad follows conceptual teaching while offering the online digital marketing course!

Benefits of conceptual learning

∙ It engages the intellect of a student

∙ It helps them transfer their learning across subjects and topics.

∙ They are better equipped to make connections of the learning with the actual world.

∙ They can better handle a world of increasing complexity

∙ Their motivation for learning is enhanced as they are made to do analysis

∙ They grasp things beyond their exercise books

∙ They tend to pick up lessons through observation during sports events, outings as well as social interactions

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