Tips To Remain Happy And Healthy

Things enter our subconscious mind unknowingly. One day we feel so happy, energetic and cheerful and the other day we might feel so numb, low and depressed

This all change in mood and behaviour depends upon the surroundings around us and are activities in the entire day

In the hustle bustle of our busy lives at times we forget to cheer up ourselves and stay happy. We work for our betterment, necessities, dreams but in this race of life we forget to stay happy and healthy

It is very important that we lead a healthy lifestyle , for that good habits must be inculcated such as:

Stay physically active

Staying active physically is a very crucial element of your life so that our muscles and joints keep working properly.

You may do anything you are comfortable with to remain physically active such as joining a gym or working out from home , going out for walks or cycling, going for a swim to beat this summer

You may also do any kind of dance or zumba

Learn something new

Learn a new instrument .learn a new dance form . learn a language .learn to do pottery . It could be anything that you wanted to learn and never got enough time

Being social

If you are a person who loves to go on outings, get togethers , sleepovers , shopping , trips with your friends and family then this is definitely for u

If you will keep having some plans with your friends may be once in 1 or 2 weeks then it will keep you a cheerful person and you wont get bored

Follow a proper routine

Sleeping and waking on the same time everyday is really important. This helps in keeping yor sleep patterns in shape and get a better quality sleep .

Some days its fine that you slept late andwoke up late but this shouldn’t be done everyday.

After waking up you must dress up everyaday even if you don’t have to go anywhere . this will help you to stay more productive throughout the day

Do anything you love

It is said to listen to your heart

We must do activities that makes you happy or relaxes your mind.

You may watch your favourite show( but don’t binge watch it) , try out a new recipe , call yor friends for a day , read your favourite novels or listen to your favourite music

These are just some suggestions from my side but you may do anything that cheers you up

— Navya Jain